Valued Volunteers Committee Members and Their Roles

Valued Volunteers

 Living in a condominium community means working together. Cooperation and a  spirit of volunteerism are visible every day in community gatherings, board  meetings, even in the scheduling of time on the tennis courts. The men and  women who volunteer their time to work as part of board committees play a large  role in ensuring that the community functions smoothly and as a whole.  

 How do committees work? What are their responsibilities and what is the best way  to recruit active, engaged committee members? Every community is different and  every community has its own needs that its committees will be asked to fill.  With that in mind, it is always best to start at the beginning: What are the  most basic needs?  

 Size Doesn't Necessarily Matter

 Board committees are most often seen in larger developments, says Ellen Bonder  Lohr, president of AKAM On-Site, Inc., which provides property management  services throughout South Florida and also has offices in New York City.  

 “In our experience,” Lohr says, “the size of the association is irrelevant to the presence of committees. We are aware of very large associations where it’s almost impossible to get anyone to volunteer, and we are aware of smaller  associations where everyone wants to get involved.”  

 “Committees are certainly more prevalent in larger developments since the  volunteer pool is much larger,” says Michael J. Wolfe, president of Midboro Management in New York City.  

 The most popular volunteer duty is serving on the landscaping or grounds  committee. “The alterations, grounds, roof deck, pool and communications committees, are the  most common,” says Wolfe.  

 The grounds or landscaping committees most often deal both aesthetic and  financial issues, choosing, for example, what types of plantings will be made  in the common outdoor areas or making recommendations on which landscaping  businesses will provide the most value for the dollar.  

 Making decisions for an entire community can be a tricky affair, even in  something as seemingly innocuous as landscaping. A lot of homeowners may want  to maintain their own lawns or yards, but the committee may feel that front  yards may look best with roses on display. It’s up to the committee members to come up with a plan that will satisfy the needs  not only of the community but of the individual unit owners as well.  

 In larger co-op or condo developments, boards also may have use for rules,  finance or budget committees. These groups may not meet as often as the grounds  volunteers, but they are often called upon to help make important  recommendations to the board on things like whether or not the community’s current penalty system is working or whether rentals should be allowed or  whether any new fines need to be considered.  

 One other important type of committee is the ad hoc variety, one that arises to  deal with a specific issue or problem. These committees meet until the issue is  resolved, holding meetings perhaps three times in one month and then disbanding  once they have conducted the necessary research or made the requested  recommendations to the board. “The most common ad hoc committee we have seen is one that deals with the  aesthetics of a property, such as a hallway and/or lobby re-decorating  committee,” says Lohr.  

 Lohr explains, “The purpose of an ad hoc committee is to serve until a particular objective has  been achieved. People in shared-interest associations enjoy participating on redecorating  committees because everyone has an opinion (often a strong opinion!) about what  color the hallway carpet should be.”  

 Decisions, Decisions

 When it comes to making final decisions on what can or should be done, a  committee does not always have the power to make those choices. “The enforcement power belongs to the board,” says Wolfe. “The best scenario is where the committee will review the due diligence performed  by their management company and make a recommendation to the board.”  

 “The actual power of a committee is determined by whether or not the purpose of  the committee is dictated by law,” explains Lohr. “Whereas a finance or beautification committee sits at the pleasure of the board  and is accountable only to the board. With the exception of fining committees, most committees are not empowered to  make significant decisions on behalf of the association. Rather, the committee members serve the important function of gathering and  presenting information to the board for the board’s consideration and decision,” she says.  

 One important requirement for a successful committee is the ability to reach  some sort of consensus. “A committee that works together, has clear marching orders and does not come  with a personal agenda is what makes a successful committee,” says Wolfe.  

 Following a set of rules is important. When a committee is formed someone takes  the role of chairman, to keep the committee focused. Someone needs to set the  agenda, and take minutes. The committee has to stay on target and not be  allowed to go off on a tangent. With proper structure and by following  guidelines, like Robert's Rules of Order, a committee will be able to  accomplish this.  

 Why Do They Serve?

 Committee positions are unpaid, which means the men and women who put in hours  or days each year in service of their community are all volunteers. “People may volunteer to serve on a committee because they have a particular  interest or skills and enjoy applying it for the benefit of others, or because  they want to make a contribution and wish to learn how their association  functions,” says Lohr. “Or it may be because they have a personal agenda that they wish to advance.” These folks often don’t make the best committee members, adds Lohr.  

 Wolfe agrees and explains that a good committee member “has a passion for a project, works in that area and wishes to protect their  investment.”  

 Volunteers also may join because they have a specific interest in seeing  something done about a certain issue. Sometimes recruits can be found at annual  meetings. When people disagree with something or express concern about  something, “you can suggest that person serve on a committee,” says Lohr.  

 Other times, managers or board members may recruit someone who has professional  experience in a certain field or who is a hobbyist. A lawyer, for example, may  be invited to join the rules committee. An accountant may receive a request to  serve on the budget committee or a decorator may be recruited for interior  design.  

 “Often committees are formed because there’s a problem, irritants or concerns,” Lohr says. “Boards may try to groom people to take spots on those committees and match  people’s skills with needs.”  

 The rise of social media and message boards nowadays can serve as a recruitment  point. If a manager sees a particular discussion taking place within Google  groups, he or she can invite one or two of those individuals to perhaps form a  committee or join a committee to take action on that issue.  

 Whatever it is that gets volunteers involved, the strength of most committees is  that participants are there because they want to be.  

 In addition to the tenacity and sense of purpose inherent in these small groups,  committees serve a number of other important roles. Committees promote a sense  of community. Committees also help ensure that different experiences and  opinions are heard on a regular basis. A committee can sometimes get stuck on  one particular issue, but with a committee many opinions can be discussed. Compared to a major league baseball team, committees serve as a great farm  system for replenishing the revolving door for new board members. Lohr explains  that many people who volunteer their time for committees are, “contemplating running for the board and want to get involved on a smaller level  at first. We have found that the best board members are people who participated first in  committees that made a positive difference in an association.”  

 Though there have been those that have suggested that committees may be on the  decline due to the advancement of email and social technology, most industry  insiders disagree with this view.  

 “I am pleased to report that we have not found this to be the case,” says Lohr.  

 Whatever the future of technology, one fact remains certain—committees and boards, as well as the value of recruiting volunteers to address  issues, gather information and share their opinions has been a staple of  association and board oversight for years. It gives residents the chance to  build a greater connection with their community and create a sense of  ownership. It also reduces workloads for board members and managers as  volunteer committee members meet with vendors, collect data and make valuable  recommendations for action. When consensus is truly achieved, it creates a  stronger, happier community—something that benefits everyone involved.    

 Liz Lent is a freelance writer and a frequent contributor to The Cooperator.  Associate Editor Liam P. Cusack contributed to this article.


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