NY Rep. Introduces Multifaceted Housing Plan Bipartisan Reforms Would 'Incentivize Construction, Reduce Unaffordability'

Selling A Home as a group of diverse home buyers reaching for real estate success in a seller market as a symbol for buying a house and affordability challenges to residential ownership.

According to a recent item published by the National Housing Conference (NHC), Representative Mike Lawler (R-N.Y.) has  “announced a new sweeping legislative housing plan that looks to incentivize construction to produce more affordable housing through bipartisan provisions of several major housing bills. The plan, called the Revitalizing America's Housing Act, incorporates elements of the Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act of 2023 and the Neighborhood Homes Investment Act, NHC’s top legislative priorities. It also includes elements of the Opportunity Zones Transparency, Extension and Improvement Act, calling for an elimination of the cap on the Rental Assistance Demonstration program, expanding Opportunity Zones, incentivizing zoning reforms, authorizing the Moving to Work demonstration, and creating incentives for small dollar mortgages, among many other provisions.


According to NHC’s reporting, "This plan calls for a series of bipartisan reforms and policies that would incentivize construction and reduce unaffordability, would improve the availability of supplies, land, and financing for builders, owners and purchasers, would address the health and safety of our communities’ housing, and would vastly improve oversight to ensure resources are being properly utilized and going where they’re needed,” said Rep. Lawler in the announcement. "The issues confronting our housing system are myriad and manifold. They require a comprehensive set of policy prescriptions to address.”

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