Come One, Come All 2012's Co-op & Condo Expo Shaping Up as Must-Attend Event

Come One, Come All

 The holidays are behind us, and the long haul toward spring is underway. Along  with the usual springtime showers and flowers, of course, comes The Cooperator’s annual Co-op & Condo Expo. The Expo is quietly taking shape as this spring’s must-attend event for the tri-state area’s property managers, board members, and unit owners.  

 Returning to the Hilton New York in Manhattan on Tuesday, April 17, 2012, from 9  a.m. to 5 p.m., the free event, now in its 25th year, will showcase hundreds of  exhibitors from throughout the region, along with free advice booths and a full  slate of educational seminars.  

 As anyone involved in the day-to-day administration of a co-op or condo will  attest, in this day and age, communication and good information are the  foundation stones of a thriving, successful community. The brutal economics of  the last few years have driven that point home, and the best boards and  building managers know that in order to stay prosperous—or even just solvent—in today's new landscape requires a strong set of specialized skills. The  Cooperator's Co-op & Condo Expo offers attendees the opportunity to hone those skills, in one day  and under one roof, with a full slate of unique educational programming.  

 Exhibitors, from attorneys to roofers to managers and financial professionals,  have already secured their spaces for this year’s Co-op & Condo Expo. Along with the trade show, the event will also feature timely  educational seminars and free advice booths designed to help co-op and condo  board members, owners and managers keep their building communities running  smoothly.  

 Can Your Community Use a

 Little Extra Cash?

 Of course, in addition to useful information and advice, you could be a big  winner in helping your co-op or condo association survive in these tough  economic times.  

 The 2012 event once again will feature the very popular Expo Reserve Fund  drawing. One lucky board member will win a cool $3,500 for their building or  association’s reserve fund, courtesy of The Cooperator, the sponsor of the Expo itself.  

 The big winner in 2011 was Jordan Roberts, a board member at Sixty Sutton Corp.,  a cooperative building located in Midtown East. “It was like hitting the lotto, it was a pleasant surprise,” Roberts says. He says the funds will be used for capital improvement projects  in the co-op and investing in long-term aspects of the building.  

 If you want to help your building community, remember to mark your calendars for  the upcoming Co-op & Condo Expo. And, just by attending you could be the 2012 winner. The winner of  the Reserve Fund prize will be drawn at random after Expo registration has  closed, and a check for the winnings will be made payable to the winner’s board, care of their management company. Only board members qualify to enter  the drawing, and attendance at the Expo is required for eligibility. For  complete details on how to enter the Reserve Fund drawing, visit the Expo  website,  

 Educational Seminars Throughout the Day

 Every year, the Expo's full schedule of seminars attracts hundreds of attendees  throughout the day. These always-popular hour-long panel presentations cover  topics ranging from energy conservation to legal issues, board operations to effective property management, and the ins  and outs of telecommunications. Seminar presenters include professionals from  all corners of the industry, including attorneys, lending representatives, tax  preparers, managers, consultants, and more.  

 The complete lineup of seminars for 2012—to be announced shortly—will present essential and cutting-edge information for anyone involved in  running or managing a co-op or condo building. Expo seminars nearly always  attract standing-room-only audiences, so be sure to arrive early and claim a  spot in the audience!  

 Free Advice Booths & More

 Exhibitor booths and a full schedule of seminars may be the big draws to the  Expo, but that's hardly the whole picture. In addition to networking and  education opportunities, the show's popular free advice booths will be  returning as well. If you have questions about your association’s finances, policies, or day-to-day management, you can stop by one of the  booths for answers from leading legal, management, maintenance and financial  professionals. And of course, no trade show would be complete without giveaways  and raffles. Throughout the day, random drawings will be held for a host of  valuable door prizes.  

 Roberts says attending last year’s expo was very informative. “The important thing was speaking to all the vendors and seeing how their product  will benefit your co-op. These people are the specialists and if you chat with  a person for a few minutes, you can get some information from them that you  didn’t have when you walked into the building,” he says.  

 So stay tuned to The Cooperator for updates and new additions to the Expo’s exhibitor and seminar roster, and be sure to visit us at the Hilton New York  on April 17th! For more information on who is exhibiting at the show, to sign  up as an exhibitor, or to register for this one-of-a-kind event, go to   

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