Page 41 - NY Cooperator Expo April 2019
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COOPERATOR.COM  THE COOPERATOR  —  APRIL 2019     41  and contain a very small computer chip  gerprint,’ which can be extremely useful   inside that sends an identifying message  to law enforcement in some situations.   to authenticate the key for the lock.  As  Maunsell relates an incident that occurred   it happens, these old-model chip keys are  in Massachusetts where a fob was critical   usually compatible with today’s fob sys-  tems – though they may require a tech-  nology update.  “If it’s new construction, say, within  been kicked out of the apartment, and   the last five years,” says Maunsell, “build-  ings have been designed with keyless en-  try in mind, in conjunction with entry  feet of his estranged wife. Tragically, the   video security and intercom systems.  At  wife was found dead in their formerly-  existing older sites, they may have dated  shared home. As it turns out, the husband   keyless entry systems.  We run into this  had slipped back into the building using   a lot.  We simply do an update of their  his fob and had killed his wife.  Horrible   system.”  In New York City, where there are  husband’s fob left a fingerprint that in-  literally  thousands  of older residential  cluded not only his identification, but the   buildings with only key-and-cylinder  time of his entry.  He  was  apprehended   locking systems, retrofitting is handled a  and the case solved.  little differently.   “We’re not replacing the   key system,” says Barak Ron, CEO of Ver-  tex Security, located in   New York City.  “We’re   adding an  additional   layer of security with   the fob system.  The   owner replaces the   cylinder of the exist-  ing lock and keeps the   corresponding   keys.    He issues a new fob to   each resident.  They   begin using the fob   system, which  can  be  paired  with  vari-  ous phone-based apps for further identi-  fication of visitors, delivery men, and so  open all the doors in one building (in-  forth, if desired.  Fobs are very flexible.  stead of needing a heavy ring with mul-  Say you have a roof deck and you want  tiple metal keys), including garages, and   to limit access after 11:00 in the evening.   buildings with adjacent parking facilities.   You can program the fobs for that.”  Benefits and Drawbacks  “Fobs can be replaced virtually im-  mediately,” says Dahlin.  “It’s done with  and  work  crews  doing  short-term  or   a keystroke in system software and a re-  placement fob.”  And the replacement  can also contain an ‘alert’ that will send   process is not reliant on locksmiths and  a notification when it’s being used.  That   schedules but can be done from almost  also lets property staff, administrators or   anywhere where there’s access to the in-  ternet. Maunsell points out that many  the fob may be trying to gain entrance   traditional  locksmiths are now  getting  without permission.  Fobs are flexible and   training  in  fob  technology.    Each  fob  is  can be programmed down to hours.  Old   unique to the individual.  Usually two  fobs can be easily reassigned to new own-  fobs are issued to each apartment, but  ers or different points of access.   if more are needed they can be created.    Each is individually coded and recogniz-  able, so if your teenager swears he was at  will not work in a power outage.  No elec-  school but was actually at home gaming,  tricity means no keyless entry.  So co-op   you can check the key fob log and con-  front him or her with the receipts!   Fobs can also be used to solve crimes  Impact Management, a firm that has of-  far more serious than a kid staying home  fices in Queens, Manhattan, Long Island,   unauthorized. Fobs leave a digital ‘fin-  in solving a murder: A couple involved   in a messy separation lived in a building   with a fob entry system.  The husband had   there was a restraining order against him   forbidding him from coming within 300   as it was, the case was closed quickly; the   Fob systems are also easily integrated   with other forms of technology, and can   be  incorporated  with a wide ar-  ray of surveillance   systems and phone   apps.  Dahlin ex-  plains that if you   have a Wi-Fi con-  nection, you can   control access even   better and inte-  grate heating  and   lighting  controls  in one holistic system.  Fob systems also   provide the user with one item that will   Fob systems also provide for the pro-  gramming  of temporary  access, which   can come in very handy for contractors   even extended projects on site.  The fob   managers know when someone who had   Useful as they are, key fobs do have   their drawbacks. According to Ron, fobs   and condo boards need to have a backup   plan, says Stuart Halper, Vice President of   “That lack of secu-  rity tracking is a major   factor in replacing old   metal key systems with   electronic fob systems.”  continued on page 49   Serving communities and honoring the value   of their investments since 1955.  At Orsid Realty Corp., we have made it our mission to deliver the highest quality, industry   leading services in all aspects of professional property management. We serve a large   community of luxury multifamily, residential and mixed-use cooperatives, condominiums   and rental properties throughout New York City. Founded in 1955, Orsid brings to bear a   vast body of experience and a wealth of knowledge through strategic and intuitive means.   Our services include:   Orsid’s proactive approach translates to the success of our clients through careful fi nancial   planning and operations management. 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