Page 38 - NY Cooperator Expo April 2019
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38 THE COOPERATOR   —APRIL 2019   COOPERATOR.COM  TENANT STORAGE SOLUTIONS  Serving The New York Area For Over 20 Years. | 800-808-1860 |  CONTACT YOUR NEW YORK OFFICE 800-808-1860  Welded Wire Lockers  The Bike Stackerhe Bike Stacker  T  ®  The Wall Rider  • Single or double tier  • Industrial grade construction  • Installation service available  • Solid 16 GA sheet metal lockers      also available  • Staggered, formed bike trays hold     any style bike upright  • Tear drop tire slot (pat. pending)  • Made of 1/8” steel angle and      14 GA steel formed channel  • Heavy-duty 11 GA steel  • Vinyl sleeve protects wheel rim  • Installs easily...with two 1/2”     round holes for wall mounting  • Includes security cable  The Wall Rider  • Heavy-duty 11 GA steel  ®  Whether you’re looking for an easier way to manage accounts   or a simpler way to process payments, our team of specialists   can deliver a solution that is simple, seamless and efficient.   Contact us today for further details.  Offering Customized Financial Solutions for Co-operative,   Homeowner Associations, Condominium Associations   and Property Management Companies.  © 2019 Valley National Bank. Member FDIC.   Equal Opportunity Lender. All Rights Reserved. VCS-8366         212.253.3056  Donald Secrest  Vice President | Commercial Lender  212.253.3056 | dsecrest  @  White Glove  Service for  Homeowner   Associations  TRENDS  See us at Booth 1120  C  ommunity  associations  are  in-  creasingly looking toward environ-  mentally-friendly options to heat,  er than the air above it during the winter   cool and power their properties in order  and cooler than the air in the summer. Th  e   to reduce their carbon footprint and save  GHP takes advantage of this by exchanging   money. Wind turbines, solar panels, com-  bined heating and power (CHP), and vari-  ous other energy alternatives all provide   varying degrees of effi  ciency and savings,  and water-source heat pumps are able to   while simultaneously ranging in availabil-  ity and viability depending on one’s area  house with hot water. Some models of geo-  and building type.   An arguably lesser-discussed option  speed compressors and variable fans for   – at least on a residential level – is geo-  thermal heating and cooling, a method of  to air-source heat pumps, they are quieter,   re-allocating heat from the earth itself and  last longer, need little maintenance, and do   utilizing it in one’s dwelling. Th  e U.S. En-  ergy Department website lays out how this  side air.  works:  “Geothermal heat pumps (GHPs),  an air-source heat pump with a geother-  sometimes referred to as GeoExchange,  mal heat pump. Th  ese appliances combine   earth-coupled, ground-source, or water-  source heat pumps, have been in use since  pumps have higher effi  ciency ratings than   the late 1940s. Th  ey use the constant tem-  perature of the earth as \\\[an\\\] exchange me-  dium instead of the outside temperature.  “Although many parts of the country  less to install than a single geothermal unit,   experience seasonal temperature extremes  and work almost as well.”  – from scorching heat in the summer to   sub-zero cold in the winter—a few feet be-  low the earth’s surface the ground remains  universities and municipal buildings, it’s   at  a  relatively  constant  temperature.  De-  pending on latitude, ground temperatures  for residential properties as well.   range from 45°F (7°C) to 75°F (21°C). Like   a cave, this ground temperature is warm-  heat with the earth through a ground heat   exchanger.  “As  with  any heat  pump, geothermal   heat, cool, and, if so equipped, supply the   thermal systems are available with two-  more comfort and energy savings. Relative   not depend on the temperature of the out-  “A dual-source heat pump combines   the best of both systems. Dual-source heat   air-source units, but are not as effi  cient as   geothermal units. Th  e main advantage of   dual-source systems is that they cost much   While for the moment, geothermal may   be  most frequently  used in  settings  like   becoming an increasingly attractive option   Th  e Coop-  Geothermal Heating   and Cooling  Is It an Option for Your Association?  BY MIKE ODENTHAL  ISTOCKPHOTO.COM  See us at Booth 302

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