Page 17 - New York Cooperator March 2019
P. 17
— MARCH 2019
Make the Right Mortgage Choice.
Brooklyn, NY
Residential Underlying Co-Op
New York, NY
Residential Underlying Co-Op/Retail
Brooklyn, NY
Residential Underlying Co-Op
220 RXR Plaza, Uniondale, NY 11556 •
Patrick Akosah
MLO #674966
Patrick Dolan 718.512.2817
MLO #1016524
Cindy Lam
MLO #410081
Daniel Lee
MLO #64756
Anthony Montalbano 718.512.2731
MLO #1180405
Christopher O’Hara
MLO #673112
Michael Pollis
MLO #1703994
Community lending expertise with personal service.
At Flushing Bank, we are focused on exceeding your goals. Composed of experienced lenders with local market
knowledge, Flushing Bank’s Real Estate Lending team is ready to help you with your real estate mortgage solution. As a leader in community lending, we provide competitive rates,
including long-term, fixed-rate loan programs. Call us today to discuss a mortgage solution that is right for you.
Flushing Bank is a registered trademark
FB 952 - RMU Cooperator UPDATE.indd 1
12/13/18 11:13 AM
“Today, most buildings are looking to-
ward greener cleaning solutions, which are could be related to refuse. In Boston, this going to spend more man power checking party vendor to deal with a bigger or more
signifi cantly less caustic than products used could mean graffi ti tagging, or putting gum for algae and moss to see that those are not complicated clean-up job, a board needs
in the past,” he further adds. “In the event or stickers on walls, etc. It’s similar for a embedding themselves in the wood and to make an informed decision. “We always
that a board decides to hire a professional, portfolio manager, but they’re just not at the causing issues” than would be spent simply ask boards how they feel about the vendors
it must verify that the contractor is properly property on a daily
licensed and insured for use of scaff olds, in basis – and regional
the event that they are needed.”
Manage That Maintenance
While even the most capable manager erty quarterly or
cannot handle the entirety of an associa-
tion’s exterior maintenance on their own, on how their organi-
he or she can certainly act as the conduit zation works. When
through which all activity fl ows.
“A maintenance routine varies depend-
ing on whether you’re a site manager, a re-
gional manager or portfolio manager,” says morning, and then
Sean Jordan, a director of property manage-
ment with FirstService Residential in Can-
ton, Massachusetts. “Normally, you would
have daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, tions exterior power
semi-annual and annual calendars that you washing as a means to get rid of those espe-
would use to track schedules, and one re-
curring item throughout would be cleaning. vinyl siding, I’d recommend doing this in also want to go out and proactively pick up than the greener alternatives on the mar-
For a site manager, the expectation should the springtime, and when entering the fall any broken branches or other debris where ket. Boards and management should weigh
be that they’re out walking the property at as well, if necessary” he says. “Proactively people may be walking to spare them any these variables when purchasing fi rsthand
least once per day, checking to see if any-
thing looks diff erent from the day prior that more moss build-up is a good idea; you’re
managers will be
surveying the prop-
monthly, depending
I was a site manager,
I’d personally walk
the property in the
again at the end of
the day.”
Jordan, too, men-
cially pesky stains. “For properties that have will have to go out and scrape them off . You just more toxic for the greater environment
painting in areas that are inclined to have trip hazards.”
putting a few coats of they’d used up to that point,” Jordan notes.
paint on the surface in “Are these vendors meeting expectations?
question to discourage Or did they start strong, and then fall off ? If
moss growth in the the latter, that could be because a new em-
fi rst place.
Major storms can tion. We have cleaners with whom we like
bring with them ma-
jor problems, some en and vetted. Some companies specialize
of which can sully a in diff erent materials and designs so you
building’s exterior. “If can assess things case-by-case, or you might
there’s a really bad rain evaluate based on the chemicals they use
storm, you get a lot and decide if that’s right for your property.”
of debris that washes
down,” Jordan ex-
plains. “If you have a ous chemicals can have diff erent eff ects on
grate on the property, diff erent properties depending on the build-
and the leaves semi-embed themselves, you ing materials used, and some products are
When it comes time to hire a third-
ployee has been charged with your associa-
to work at our properties who’ve been prov-
Better Living Through Chemistry
It may seem like a minor detail, but vari-
“Regularly scheduled
exterior maintenance
is important, and it
is helpful to have a
staff dedicated to that
maintenance, when
—Mark Anker
continued on page 23