Page 16 - New York Cooperator March 2019
P. 16

 — MARCH 2019 
ome is where the heart is, sure –  when possible,” says Mark Anker, President  
but it’s also where most of where  of Anker Management in Hartsdale, New  
any given owner or shareholder’s  York. “Staff  that is able to identify potential  
money is. For most people, their home rep- 
resents their single biggest investment. And  of a property. Having a schedule or time  
in a community association, both individ- 
ual units and the entirety of the building  is important as well, as it creates a routine  
or development will determine the owner’s  and helps the staff  by reminding them to  
return on investment (ROI). It’s not enough  take a look at specifi c areas. Roofs, win- 
to ensure that everything is operational,  dows, caulking, pointing, painting... all of  
though that is of course hugely important;  these areas should be inspected and prop- 
it’s also important to consider the appear- 
ance of buildings, grounds, and other exte- 
rior elements.  
In this regard, cleanliness is indeed akin  continues. “Although it may look pretty, it  
to godliness, especially when it comes to the  can severely damage the masonry of the  
exterior of the property. Aft er all, a building  property. And  allowing dirt to build up  
or association’s public face is the fi rst thing  on the facade can conceal underlying is- 
that’s going to catch the eye of a would-be  sues, such as weak or missing mortar joints,  
buyer. As such, board and management  which will allow water infi ltration. A freeze- 
must be diligent, take regular stock of their  then-thaw pattern will cause bricks to pop,  
surroundings, and plan as best they can for  leading to yet more damage.” 
the unexpected—especially where inclem- 
ent weather is concerned. 
Routine Maintenance, Man  
Having a set schedule for walking the  “You only get one chance to make a fi rst  
property and taking note of anything that  impression, so make it a clean one. Th  ird- 
looks askew is the easiest way to avoid more  party vendors and/or staff  can use pressure  
complicated – and ultimately costly – clean- 
up and repair jobs.  
“Regularly scheduled exterior main- 
tenance is important, and it is helpful to  expertise beyond what most building staff   
have a staff  dedicated to that maintenance,  members are trained to handle.  
issues will assist in the proper maintenance  
frame to inspect the envelope of a building  
erly maintained. 
“Associations should avoid allowing ivy  
to grow on the bricks of buildings,” Anker  
And above and aside from the structural  
risks,  “a  dirty  building  also  decreases  the  
curb  appeal of  a  property,”  Anker  warns.  
washers to clean the exterior, along with  
mild detergents. In some areas, graffi  ti is  
a concern, the removal of which requires  
Exterior Cleaning  
Cleanliness and Curb Appeal  

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