Page 8 - CooperatorNews New York December 2021
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8 COOPERATORNEWS —  DECEMBER 2021  COOPERATORNEWS.COM  someone, anyone. Property is just property.  don’t like to show ID, and that can lead to a  depression and anxiety been higher. Medical   As security professionals, we need to make  security breach. Doormen or the concierge  professionals are overtaxed and can’t deal   sure no one gets injured, or worse.”  David Malefsky, senior vice president  also true with deliveries, and vendors and   for Admiral Security Services, a California-  based company with east coast offices locat-  ed in North Arlington, New Jersey, stresses   the people side of the equation. “Doormen   and concierges must be familiar with the  may seem alarmist to even bring it up, the  says. “When you de-escalate, you transmit a   building’s residents, established procedures,  issue of rioting and other civil unrest is one  sense of being calm and genuine and having   and how the two factors interact,” he says.  that many urban residents have had to con-  “Oftentimes, residents cause additional  front over the last year-and-a-half. Sjoberg  tor while being respectful, clear, and setting   problems by not knowing—or not follow-  ing—procedures. We use technology that  past 18 months is something that just a few  doorman must also have situational aware-  allows  the  doormen,  board  members,  and  years ago you’d never think would happen.  ness; where they are and who they interact   management to  view  security situations  And you can’t really prepare for it. You don’t  with, so when this happens, it’s not the first   24/7.”   Know Your Neighbors  For security concerns both large and  radar, Sjoberg continues, “The best approach  training for our clients.”  small, a building staff’s familiarity with the   residents who live there is critical, even in   very large properties. This extends to every-  thing from thieves and burglars potentially   entering the property with false ID, to iden-  tifying Airbnb abuses. “Most luxury build-  ings don’t ask residents for ID when  they   enter the building,” says Alexander, “\[but\] in   an office building, everyone must show ID.”   He says this lapse in residential security is a   problem. “What if the regular doorman is on   vacation and the substitute doesn’t know the   residents’ faces?”   And it’s not just about matching faces to   a resident roster, Alexander continues. “We   train security employees to look at body lan-  guage, to notice things and ask questions of   strangers, all the while maintaining deco-  rum, never being rude. We also recommend  can beforehand.” Actions taken in the midst  situation,” says Malefsky, but “if the situation   arming the elevator with access control. This  of a crisis “are to protect the personal safety  becomes violent, then security may hold and   way, the front desk attendants can greet peo-  ple without an inquisition, but if they don’t  \[as well as\] the residents and property with   have card access to the elevator, they don’t  the tools you’ve been provided.” In the case  agree that all security people should have   get upstairs. Training manpower to work  of a building with glass doors, for example,  crisis training, that doesn’t mean they need   with available technology is crucial.”  Airbnb and illegal subletting issues can  gates. “Glass doors are hard to defend when  hand-to-hand combat or specialized self-de-  be a problem in any building or HOA, re-  gardless of size or means. Alexander trains  Sjoberg, “But what building doesn’t have  says Alexander. “We stress de-escalation.   employees to know what to look for that  glass doors?” Sjoberg says that this is why his  Where we have a stationary position \[like a   might indicate that a unit in the building  firm recommends the concentric ‘rings’ of  front desk, a doorman station, or a kiosk\],   is essentially being used as a hotel suite—  which in addition to being a major security   issue for neighbors is also likely forbidden   by the building’s governing documents, and  frontations between neighbors, or between   may even be against state or local laws, as is  residents and visitors or other outsiders, to   the case in New York City. Fundamentally,  erupt in a building’s or association’s common   though, “it’s a quality-of-life issue,” Alexan-  der stresses. “People show up to use ame-  nities who don’t belong there.” And this is  more people into the building, some con-  where frontline staff’s familiarity with the  frontations have the potential to turn violent.   residents of the community is so crucial. If  And these days, sadly, there’s no shortage of   the front desk suspects that something im-  proper is going on in a unit, they can alert  into verbal and even physical assaults, seem-  the building or HOA’s management. If it’s  ingly in the blink of an eye. The reasons for   management who’s initially made aware of  this are beyond the scope of this article, but   the issue, they can put the front desk on no-  tice, let them know what and who to look for,  aware of, and prepared to deal with, say the   and instruct them what to do.  Malefsky concurs, pointing out that “to-  day’s technology helps doormen identify  Sjoberg. “People are reemerging into inter-  anyone who lives in the building by sight, or  personal  relationships,  but  have  been  af-  by asking for ID. The truth is that residents  fected by the isolation. At no other time has   or both must identify who comes in. This is  with all the cases.”   service people. Residents don’t help security  the potential for violent behavior, the most   personnel if they flout building policies.”  A New Threat  While to those outside of major cities it  nique with violent or aggressive people,” he   says, “The rioting that has occurred in the  boundaries. A staff member, manager, or   expect it.”   Now that such crisis situations are on the  be prepared, which is why we provide this   now is to secure your property as best you  can only observe and use words to calm the   of those under your control and command,  detain \[the perpetrator\] until police arrive.”   those tools may involve metal fencing or  to—or should—be given crash courses in   someone has a weapon to break them,” says  fense training. “We don’t teach self-defense,”   security mentioned earlier.   De-escalation  While rare, it’s not unheard of for con-  areas. Whether it’s an interpersonal issue, a   domestic dispute, or an intrusion by one or   accounts of minor disagreements escalating   the effect is something everyone should be   pros.  “Post-COVID, society has changed,” says   According to  Sjoberg, when faced with   important tool a security staff member has is   de-escalation. “De-escalation is a great tech-  an interest in what is bothering the perpetra-  time they’ve thought about it. They need to   Alexander describes a similar approach.   “With violent people, we teach staff to de-  escalate and call the police. And whenever   we get a report \[of an incident\], we check   whether the cops were called, and what their   response time was. We then share that infor-  mation with the precinct.”   Malefsky has a similar protocol. “You   calmly talk the person down to where there   is no violence,” he says. “If you see a violent   situation developing—including domestic   violence—call 911 and notify the super or   manager, and get the police there to handle   any problem.”  When it comes to security personnel per-  sonally intervening in an active situation,   policies differ between companies. “Security   And while Malefsky and his colleagues   we put a camera where we can monitor our   employees  for  performance  and  their  own   safety.”   Fundamentally, ‘security’ is as much   about securing peace of mind as it is about   physically securing a building or property.   By taking a critical look at your communi-  ty’s unique needs and limitations, balancing   those with residents’ expectations, enacting   a well-thought-out plan, and making sure   your building or HOA employees are on   board and well trained, you can protect both   the tangible and the less tangible assets of   your building or HOA.   n  A  J Sidransky is a  staff writer/reporter for   CooperatorNews. He is also a published novelist.   “With violent   people, we teach   staff to de-escalate   and call the police.   ...We don’t teach self-  defense. We stress   de-escalation.”     —Alon Alexander  SECURITY TRAINING  continued from page 1  Many Options, Few Solutions  Multifamily buildings come in many   shapes and sizes, of course—not to mention   ages, locations, histories, financial positions,   and residential cultures. When it comes to   package security and storage, this means   that what might work great for one building   or community might not even be an option   for another. And with residents continuing   to spend more time at home and the op-  tions for e-commerce ever increasing, what   might work for one building today might be   obsolete by the time it’s installed and imple-  mented.        “Storage needs for package delivery have   changed over the years,” says Susan Lauren,   the principal of New York-based Lauren Inte-  rior Design, a design firm that creates custom   interiors for building common spaces such as   lobbies, hallways, and amenities areas. “What   was appropriate 10 years ago is no longer suf-  ficient for most buildings. The space set aside   just isn’t large enough.”   Even communities built in the last 10 years   that specifically allocated space for pack-  age storage and security from the start have   found that they don’t have the staff necessary   to accept, track, and deliver all the packages.   Joseph Ferdinando, founder of Building Se-  curity Services & Systems, a security systems,   technology, and personnel company that has   been working with buildings and communi-  ties in New York and New Jersey for nearly 40   years, says that the conditions during COVID   have  measurably  exacerbated  the  issue.  “In   general,  in  residential  \[buildings\],”  he  says,   “80% of people are home working, so our   activity during the day has increased. There   has been a tremendous amount of deliver-  ies. For the properties that have us providing   concierge, doorman, or security officers, we   have found the activity during the day has in-  creased by 200%, be it food deliveries, UPS,   USPS, FedEx, or Amazon.”    That “tremendous amount of deliveries”   makes the day extremely busy for security   and other front-of-house personnel, says Fer-  dinando—especially during business hours,   when there is increased activity in general. It   also creates security and safety concerns with   constant traffic into and out of the building,   and piles of packages in lobbies, hallways, and   other common areas. On top of all that, those   piles of unattended packages are a beacon for   thieves and vandals—an issue that only be-  comes worse during the holidays.  Desperate Times, Desperate Measures  “Having a designated front desk or prop-  erty management staff member accept and   store packages at a multi-unit residential   building is a common solution,” says Amy   Peterselli, an attorney in Brookfield, Illinois,   formerly with Chicago-based community   association law firm Kovitz Shifrin Nesbit.   “However, as the increase in packages has eat-  PACKAGE SECURITY  continued from page 1  continued on page 10 

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