Page 14 - NY Cooperator November 2019
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14 THE COOPERATOR —  NOVEMBER 2019    COOPERATOR.COM  Since 1958, out clients have been assured  of excellence in building management.  We assist our Boards in developing practical building policies.  We can help you di  erentiate between what can be done  and spinning your wheels. We know what makes a building work.  At Buchbinder & Warren, we understand  your apartment is not just an’s a home.  Please call us to learn more about our services.  One Union Square West • New York, NY 10003  212.243.6722  SENSIBLE  MANAGEMENT  Inheriting Co-op Shares  Legal and Procedural Considerations  BY A J SIDRANSKY  Say you and your spouse own a single-  family home. You’ve got two grown kids  to your questions. The lease is not relevant   and a couple of grandchildren. When  where the transfer is by operation of law –   the time comes, assuming your will and  that is, where one of two joint tenants or   other end-of-life documents are in order,  tenants by the entirety dies and the sur-  seeing to it that your property and assets  vivor takes all. But the lease will typically   are  passed  along  as  you  wish  is  a  fairly  have a provision dealing with transfers on   straightforward process – a home is real  death. The lease may provide that a trans-  property,  after  all,  and  laws  of  succes-  sion  were  practically  invented  to  assure  consent, or it may provide that the board   the transference of such property to one’s  ‘will not unreasonably withhold consent   heirs without a lot of hassle.   But co-ops are different; co-ops are  leases will not deal with the spouse sepa-  not owned outright the way single-family  rately, but provide that the board ‘will   homes or condo units are. Living in a co-  op means that you’re a shareholder, not  transfer to a financially responsible mem-  a property owner, and that the monthly  ber of the family,’ \[though\] sometimes it   maintenance dues you pay to your coop-  erative corporation entitle you to occupy   one of the units in your building. But that  New York City-based law firm Robinson   being said, can one leave a co-op apart-  ment to one’s heirs? Can one inherit co-  op apartment shares?  The short answer is  of the proprietary lease. Does the pro-  yes – shares in any corporation are inher-  itable.  But overall, inheriting those shares  usual  requirement  that  the  co-op  board   may be a bit more complicated than it  approve all transfers for cases involving   looks at first glance.  The complications,  inheritance from a deceased shareholder?    if any, usually lie in the proprietary lease.    First, Look to the Lease   Phyllis Weisberg, a partner with Man-  hattan-based  law firm  Armstrong  Teas-  dale explains;  “In most cases, a review of  Simpson, “then a person seeking to in-  the proprietary lease will provide answers   fer to a spouse does not require \[board\]   to a financially responsible spouse.’ Some   not unreasonably withhold consent to a   is limited to immediate family.”   Philip T. Simpson is an attorney with   Leinwand Genovese and Gluck.  “The   issue usually turns first on the language   prietary lease make an exception to the   Some proprietary leases make an excep-  tion; others do not.”   About Those Exceptions...   “If there is no exception,” continues  New York’s   Serving The Whole   State of New York.  Call your local   representative today! 

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