Page 5 - The NY Cooperator August 2019
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QUESTIONS & ANSWERS  Legal  Q  A& Can Bike Fees Be Imposed on Existing   Owners?  Q   My family have stored our bikes in   our co-op basement for years at no   charge. Now the board and man-  agement have decided to impose a large fee   for each bike, including for existing owners.   We asked the board to tell us on what cita-  tion/regulation the decision was based. Here   is how they responded:  “If a board votes to implement fees   whether for bikes, storage, fi nes, etc., they can   choose to do so. However, current residents   or owners would not be exempt from paying.   When fees are implemented, they are done   so across the board to all, no one is grand-  fathered in when it comes to pay fees that   produces additional income for the building.   Th  e board can implement fees even on those   who did not pay for bike storage before.”  Th  e governing docs do not have to be   changed for this purpose.  As per Proprietary Lease item 3 states:   “Th  e covenants by the Lessor herein con-  tained are subject, however, to the discretion-  ary power of the Directors to determine from   time to time what services and what atten-  dants shall be proper and and the manner of   maintaining and operating the building, and   also what existing services shall be increased,   reduced, changed, modifi ed or terminated.”  Is this legal? What should we do?                                     —Two-Wheels Stuck  A  According to attorney Aaron   Shmulewitz of the New York   fi rm Belkin Burden Wenig &   Goldman, LLP: “Th  e authority of a board to   act is governed by the provisions of its pro-  prietary lease and house rules, which should   be reviewed carefully in each particular case.   Typically, a proprietary lease does aff ord a   board the authority to off er, and regulate the   use of, storage space in the building, includ-  ing for bicycles. Th  e authority to regulate   such use includes the authority to change   hours and means of access, and to impose   and increase storage fees—and even to termi-  nate the availability of such storage—to the   extent that the board deems such decisions   to be in the best interests of the cooperative   and its shareholders.  “To that extent, any such decision would   be protected by the Business Judgment Rule,   and would be immune from successful judi-  cial challenge by a disgruntled shareholder.   Shareholders would be bound by any such   decision, including the imposition of storage   fees for the fi rst time. If a shareholder does   not wish to pay such fees, they can either ter-  minate the storage arrangement, or the board   will do so for non-payment. Th  us, if this   co-op’s proprietary lease is typical, it would   appear that this board acted appropriately,   and the shareholder would be bound by the   board’s decision.”  Leasing a Commercial Space to a Board   Member   Q  I am a shareholder in a co-op in   Brooklyn. It has come to my atten-  tion that the board of the building   has plans to develop some commercial space   in our building and rent it to another board   member. Management has distributed let-  ters  to  notify  other  shareholders who  may   be interested in the space to come forward.   It seems to be an attempt to say that everyone   had an opportunity to lease the space, but   further details were not given in the notice. Is   this a confl ict of interest?   Th  e board  also calls shareholder  meet-  ings whenever they see fi t during the year –   continued on page 17   ROSENWACH TANK  THE FIRST NAME IN QUALITY CEDAR WOOD TANKS  WE ARE CERTIFIED and IT MATTERS!  718.729.4900   43-02 Ditmars Boulevard, 2nd Fl., Astoria, NY 11105  Rosenwach is proud to announce that Rosenwach’s tanks are certified to NSF/ANSI 61 by NSF   International, a leading global independent public health and safety organization. NSF/ANSI 61   addresses crucial aspects of drinking water system components such as whether contaminants   that leach or migrate from the product/material into the drinking water are below acceptable levels   in finished waters.  To receive certification, Rosenwach Tank submitted product samples to NSF that underwent rigorous   testing to recognized standards, and agreed to manufacturing facility audits and periodic retesting   to verify continued conformance to the standards.  The NSF mark is our customers’ assurance that our prod-  uct has been tested by one of the most respected indepen-  dent certification organizations. Only products bearing the   NSF mark are certified.  COOPERATOR.COM   THE COOPERATOR   —AUGUST 2019     5

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