Page 2 - NY Cooperator July 2019
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2 THE COOPERATOR   —JULY 2019  COOPERATOR.COM  v  How many co-ops have you financed?                             What is your total dollar volume?           With how many different lenders?         What is the range of the loan size?  Since 2011...  $300,000  $500  + Million  Meridian  Capital Group               ACME  Mortgage                 1,630+     $7.68   Billion  25  ?  YOUR GUIDE TO INTERVIEWING  UNDERLYING    MORTGAGE BROKERS  Steve Geller | Managing Director  212.612.0222 |  Nicoletta M. Pagnotta | Senior Vice President   212.612.0219 |  Avi Geller | Vice President  212.612.0249 |  Nobody closes more underlying co-op loans than Meridian.  Shouldn’t you be working with NYC’s Most Active Dealmaker?  Cooperator_Co-Op Interview_June 2019.indd   1  5/30/19   4:57 PM

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