Page 10 - NY Cooperator July 2019
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10 THE COOPERATOR   —JULY 2019  COOPERATOR.COM  BUDGET & FINANCE  T  here are few things upon which most  is fi nally coming to fruition. For example, say   people agree, but a general dislike for  that a piece of building equipment or ma-  paying more today for something that  chinery has become harder to maintain, and   cost less yesterday is pretty universal. Th  is  needs  an  increasing  amount  of  service—or   goes for taxes, consumer goods, healthcare,  you’re increasingly repairing something be-  and  of course for  monthly  maintenance  or  cause the association has been using it more.   carrying charges to a co-op, condo or HOA.  Th  ere could also be a change to a local ordi-  But like it or not, the reality is that major  nance that requires some work at the property   building systems wear down, natural disas-  ters happen, and the environment around a   property changes over time. All of these will  eral and liability rates could go up, as could   eventually mean an increase in what each in-  dividual shareholder or owner must pay in  erty manager for Casagmo, a community in   order to keep his or her community solvent  Ridgefi eld, Connecticut. “And cost of living   and well-maintained.    Th  at said, it’s important for boards, man-  agement and residents alike to understand   why and at what intervals fees should be in-  creased. An open and honest board commit-  ted to transparency in its processes will have  maintenance increases. “We make increases   a much easier job conveying the necessity of  with infl ation and as the community grows,”   a cost hike than one acting arbitrarily or in a  says Laurel Wolfe, Association Manager at   clandestine manner. Similarly, residents who  Sleepy Hollow Lake in Athens, New York.   know the whys and wherefores of an increase  “We have 800-plus homes with 400-plus   are far less likely to grumble or resent their  building lots yet to be approved, and all pay   board for implementing it.   Broadly Speaking  While every association is unique, there  areas.”  are certain commonalities related to why a   maintenance fee increase could be necessary.  “Maintenance charges are going to be  nance on a yearly basis, just to keep up with   driven by a few diff erent things,” says Sean  the  cost  of living,”  adds  Mark Liberman,   Jordan, Director of Property Management at  Founder of On the Mark Management in Mil-  FirstService Residential in Canton, Massa-  chusetts. “It could simply be that expenses are  half to 3 percent annually.”  increasing, or that a short- or long-term plan   to make sure it’s in compliance.”  Insurance can also be a factor. “Both gen-  utilities” says Jeanne Eberhardt, a prop-  increases can impact landscaping, snow re-  moval, and trash removal.”  More sprawling communities with enough   land  to expand onto  can grow  signifi cantly   from year to year – and this can also cause   the same dues. But as we get more residents,   we require more maintenance to the common   “Every association should have a nominal   increase to common charges and mainte-  ford, Connecticut. “I’m talking a point and a   A board  might also increase monthly   ISTOCKPHOTO.COM  Maintenance Charge   Increases  When, Why, and How to Raise Monthly Fees  BY MIKE ODENTHAL  ENGINEERING, ARCHITECTURE AND ENERGY CONSULTING    Proudly Serving Higher Education Institutions  WE HAVE NYC COVERED  The Falcon Group is a unique, full-service Engineering,   Architectural & Energy Consulting firm. Falcon’s primary   focus is on existing facilities ranging from site, building   envelope and energy improvements. Our full-service   capabilities focus on your building’s specific needs.   Falcon’s mission is to ensure each of our clients are    held at the highest level of individualized service.  ENGINEERING & ARCHITECTURE    BUILDING ENVELOPE RESTORATION & FISP   NYC SPECIAL INSPECTIONS   MEP & ENERGY CONSULTING SERVICES  350 7th Avenue, Suite 2000        New York, NY 10001        (800) 839.7740 

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