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COOPERATOR.COM  THE COOPERATOR  —  APRIL 2019     5  TRENDS:  32  WHat tHe MarKet Will Bear  By A J Sidransky  Publisher  Yale Robbins  Executive Vice President  Henry Robbins  Associate Publisher  Joanna DiPaola  Senior Editor  Hannah Fons  Associate Editors  David Chiu  Pat Gale  Staff Writers  Michael Odenthal  Alan J. Sidransky  Art Director  Shirly Korchak  Production Manager  Aetna Dowst  Vice President of   Advertising  Tom Christmann  Advertising Directors  Rick Levin  Fred Marks  Peter Chase  Ted Olczak    The Cooperator is published monthly by   Yale Robbins Publications, LLC,   205 Lexington Ave., New York, NY 10016,   (212) 683-5700. President: Yale Robbins,   Executive Vice President: Henry Robbins.   Subscriptions are available free by request to    co-op and condo board members and homeowner   associations. POSTMASTER: Send address   changes to The Cooperator,   205 Lexington Ave., New York, NY 10016.   ©Yale Robbins Publications, LLC 2019.   All rights reserved. Application to mail Periodicals   postage rates is pending at New York NY.  FREE Subscriptions for   Board Members, Property Managers   and Real Estate Decision Makers.  To Subscribe, please visit us at:  DEPARTMENTS:  6    Pulse/Calendar  7    Questions &                  Answers   25    EXpo Pull-Out Guide  50    Service Directory  TABLE OF CONTENTS  THIS MONTH’S FOCUS: LANDSCAPING,   LAWN CARE & CURB APPEAL/EXPO  ON THE WEB:   8  How to Upgrade Your KitcHen   WitHout BreaKing tHe BanK  By AJ Sidransky  Time to Call It Quits?  By Mike Odenthal  EXit AmaZon  By David Chiu  Planning and Maintaining a   Community Garden  By Mike Odenthal  Whether  a  community  is  surrounded  by  suburbs    or  big-  city high-rises, a little greenery can go a long way in adding   visual appeal – and value. In fact, given the lack of space and   the  challenge  of  keeping  plants  healthy  and  thriving,  urban   gardening is perhaps even more valuable.  10  14  16  Facade Restoration   By AJ Sidransky  Like people, buildings age. Even under the best of circumstances,   weather – particularly water, in the form of rain, snow, and   ice – followed by or combined with extremes in temperature   can do permanent damage to facades, cornices, parapets   and other ornamental features, as well as to rear and side   elevations. Th  ese problems can be exacerbated by design fl aws   or neglected maintenance.  Hygiene in SHared Amenities  By AJ Sidransky  Keeping amenities well maintained is crucial to retaining their   value and protecting the safety of those who use them. But   that maintenance goes beyond just keeping the fl oors swept   and the lights on. What about hygiene? Is the spa as clean as   you would like to believe? Is the children’s playroom a real-life   petri dish? Is the screening room a stopover for bed bugs or   roaches?  Spring Maintenance  By Mike Odenthal  Spring has arrived, which is good news aft er what has felt   to many like a particularly hostile winter. In a community   association or multifamily building, spring also brings a   number of seasonal maintenance and sprucing-up projects   that can vary, depending on the shape and size of one’s   particular property.   Board Operations: Access to   Documents  By Mike Odenthal  A more active and engaged resident may want not only to   attend open meetings, but to review association documentation   periodically – either because he or she has a personal project   or transaction that requires it, or just to make sure everything   is on the up-and-up.  18  12  Trends: MarKet Survey  By AJ Sidransky  Aft er many years of expansion and growth nationwide, most   co-op and condominium markets saw both turbulence and   some overall decline in 2018. Th  e market has turned from one   favoring sellers to one more hospitable to buyers.   20  BUDGET & FINANCE:  34  Capital Reserve Funds  By AJ Sidransky  MANAGEMENT:  36  Managing Mental HealtH   Issues  By Mike Odenthal  TRENDS:  38  GeotHermal Heating and   Cooling  By Mike Odenthal  MANAGEMENT:  40  Keys, Key FoBs, and Door   Codes  By AJ Sidransky  TRENDS:  30  WHat Does tHe Rest oF 2019   Hold?  By Mike Odenthal  MANAGEMENT:  22  Hiring a New Super  By A J Sidransky

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