Page 28 - NY Cooperator Expo April 2019
P. 28

28 THE COOPERATOR   —APRIL 2019   COOPERATOR.COM  The   New Spin   on Laundry Room Management    (646) 663-4ACE  |  Service!    Service!    Service!  We combine 21st   century computerization   with a mom & pop   touch to provide your   residents with fast and   responsive service.  High Tech   All our state-of-the-art   machines are constantly being   monitored (using proprietary   algorithms) to detect any   maintenance issues. If   detected, we can immediately   reset machines from our   office or dispatch service.  Ease of Operation  Use loyalty, credit or debit   card at each machine. No   risk of single-kiosk failure.  Financial   Transparency  All buildings have   their own dedicated   website to monitor   machine usage   and revenue.  risk of single-kiosk failure.  See us at Booth 1818  See us at Booth 333  K  AGAN   L  UBIC   L  EPPER  F  INKELSTEIN  &   G  OLD LLP  ,   ATTORNEYS AT LAW  Providing Practical Legal Advice and Representation to Cooperative   and Condominium Associations for More Than Forty Years  •   General Counsel  Residential and Commercial Real Estate and Leasing  •   •   Real Estate and Commercial Litigation   •   Construction Law and Gas Conversions  •   Mortgage Financing   •   Commercial, Corporate and Business Law  •   Mitchell-Lama Housing   •   Transfer Agent Services  200 Madison Avenue, 24th Floor  New York, New York 10016  T  ELEPHONE   212.252.0300  F  AX   212.779.7295  www.  kll-law  .com  Jack Lepper:  Adam Finkelstein:   Ronald Gold:  Fran Lawless:  See us at Booth 237

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