Page 23 - NY Cooperator Expo April 2019
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Full Service Law Firm for Cooperatives, Condominiums and Homeowners Associations  LEGAL GUIDANCE — RESOURCEFUL SOLUTIONS  E-mail:  WWW.SCHNEIDERBUCHEL.COM  462 Seventh Avenue, Suite 1600   New York, NY 10018  P: 212.485.9400  666 Old Country Road, Suite 412  Garden City, NY 11530  P: 516.393.5555  For more information, please contact: Marc H. Schneider, Esq.  COOPERATOR.COM  THE COOPERATOR   —  APRIL 2019     23  tive, Andrew Di Schino, an account execu-  tive  with  FirstService  Residential  in  New  side the box by prioritizing the needs of the  depends on how you treat/manage them –  your hire, this is rarely a challenge. If people   York City, suggests that an association first  property and finding candidates who have  and that applies to all staff members of any  don’t work out after that period, they are   look at a potential super’s past tenure and  a strong skill set in those areas. The board  building.”  experience, in  conjunction with verifying  or management company will need to in-  that he or she carries the proper agency  vest in this individual to train them to bet-  qualifications and licensing (These can vary  ter understand the other   from state to state, but in New York this can  aspects of the property,   mean EPA 608, FDNY Certificate of Fitness,  but that investment will   and FDNY Chiller/Refrigeration Machine  pay off in the long term.”  Operator License, among others).   “I generally work from references, but  ing potential supers, Di   there are a number of good organizations  Schino  to work with that source and vet promising  that applicants be treat-  candidates for these jobs,” says Di Schino.  ed with the respect war-  “For example, the Emerald Guild, the New  ranted by someone at a   York Building Managers Association, and  managerial level. “It’s a   the Scandinavian American Building Man-  agers Guild, to name a few.”   “Networking is invaluable, adds Arel,  “Many – though not   “because you’ll know the type of person  all – superintendents   you are hiring before they start. This type  are unionized, but that   of individual is not easy to find, and proper-  ties that have a good building engineer will  the approach. Function-  do everything they can to keep that person  ally, they are a part of   working for them. It’s currently even more  management, no matter who may represent  during which a super may be terminated   challenging,  given the  low unemployment  their labor interests, and you will depend  with no contest. If you are an engaged man-  rate. As such, boards may want to think out-  When  interview-  recommends  professional interview   like any other,” he says.   changes  nothing  about   on them for your successes or failures. It all  ager and are attuned to the performance of   Speaking of unions, in New York, Di  action, up to and including termination.”  Schino notes that “if unionized, the supers   are typically subject  neers) tend not to be unionized. “They’re   to the terms of Lo-  cal  32BJ’s Resident  and as such, you shouldn’t be dealing with   Managers  Agree-  ment, which is ne-  gotiated from time  the property and ask the candidate to share   to time with the Re-  alty Advisory Board.  for the systems and infrastructure on the   It’s not dissimilar  premises. If a board has some trusted ven-  to the Apartment  dors, they may want to ask them to assist   Building  Workers  Agreement, but it  to understand that the individuals they’re   expires on a differ-  ent schedule to pre-  vent gaps in cover-  age in the case of  tant to involve others who have the knowl-  a strike. Generally,  edge and skills to determine if a given can-  there is a six-month  didate truly understands the association’s   probationary period  needs.”  generally subject to progressive disciplinary   In Arel’s area, supers (or building engi-  being hired as the employee of the property   a union issue,” he explains. “The best pro-  cess for an interview is to include a tour of   their knowledge of and recommendations   in the screening process. The board needs   hiring are supposed to know more than the   board does about proper maintenance and   the various building systems. So it’s impor-  “Most employees are hired with a 90-day   “Your building or   association’s super   is a key player in the   smooth operation of   your community – so   finding the right person   for that position is a   serious undertaking for   any board.”   continued on page 46   See us at Booth 323

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