Page 20 - NY Cooperator Expo April 2019
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20 THE COOPERATOR   —APRIL 2019   COOPERATOR.COM  A  ft er many years of expansion and   growth nationwide, most co-op   and  condominium  markets  saw   both turbulence and some overall decline   in 2018. Th  e market has turned from one   favoring sellers to one more hospitable to   buyers. Markets like stability – and 2018   was a year marked by uncertainty. Th  is un-  certainty can be pegged to several trends,   the most prominent of which were fl uc-  tuations in interest rates; changes in tax   laws thanks to the 2017 tax bill depressing   the tax benefi ts of home ownership; over-  building (and potential overbuilding); and   – despite the generally good employment   fi gures – an undercurrent of declining con-  fi dence in the overall economic picture.  New York  According to Corcoran’s 2018 fourth   quarter report: “Market-wide closed sales   declined as potential buyers grappled with   a  confl uence  of  factors  that  created  un-  certainty in the market. Buyers’ concerns   included rising mortgage interest rates,   tax-law reform, volatility in the fi nancial   markets, foreign capital restrictions, and   political distractions. As a consequence,   many prospective buyers are choosing to   wait on the sidelines until prices adjust to a   more accessible level and other market fac-  tors calm.”  Joanna Mayfi eld Marks, a broker with   the New York-based fi rm Halstead, de-  scribed the market this way: “In 2018, there   were a couple ends of the market that were   less impacted. We saw a number of buyers   competing in the $700,000-to-$1.5 million   segment. Th  ere was competition, and even   some bidding wars. In the lower and luxu-  ry segments, though, we saw fewer buyers,   Market Survey  Where We Were in 2018 – and Where We’re Headed   BY A J SIDRANSKY  TRENDS  F A S T  AT YOUR  PROPERTY  1995 Broadway, NY, NY 10023  Tel: 212.799.2365  At Veritas, we’re always just a hop, skip or subway ride  away, making responsive service a priority. In a digital  age, we’re on top of technology. But we also handle  things the old-fashioned way; we’re at your property in  person, when you need us.  Co-op, Condo and Rental Management  •  Online Services  Project Management  •  Sales and Leasing  •  Compliance  and Filings  •  Emergency Services  •  Staff Supervision  Connect your property to Veritas  Call us to learn more  ISTOCKPHOTO.COM

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