Page 10 - NY Cooperator Expo April 2019
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10 THE COOPERATOR   —APRIL 2019   COOPERATOR.COM  LANDSCAPING, LAWN CARE & CURB APPEAL/EXPO  W  hether a community is surround-  ed by suburbs or big-city high-  rises, a little greenery can go a   long way in adding visual appeal – and value.  den plots of varying shapes and sizes whether  the planning, decision making, and mainte-  In fact, given the lack of space and the chal-  lenge of keeping plants healthy and thriving,  throughout sprawling townhome develop-  urban gardening is perhaps even more valu-  able.   Many community associations tend gar-  they are on roofs, backyards, or dispersed  nance of the property’s appearance. Our com-  ments. And while it may seem simple to plant  and passers-by often stop to take pictures with   a few shrubs and leave it at that, the cultivation  our lush landscaping. Landscaping is not an   of a garden actually requires the participation  inexpensive budget item, and the more the   of several different factions who must band  community is involved, the better maintained   together to reach an aesthetic consensus and  the property.”  plan how to take care of the project through-  out the year, in good weather and bad. If your  garden or landscape committees that tend to   association is considering a garden project –  be very hands on,” says Natalie Fries, a com-  or just looking for tips on how to maintain  munity manager with Associa Mid-Atlantic   an existing one –  management professionals  in Mount Laurel, New Jersey. “One associa-  across several regions offer some sage advice  tion that I managed had a farmer/arborist on   that may be helpful.   Taking Charge  An early step in any community garden  beautiful.”  project is deciding who will assume the re-  sponsibility for organizing and planning. Like  pitch in on a garden or landscaping project   any project, this will likely depend on the  is a heartwarming image, more affluent asso-  shape and size of the association.  “With smaller buildings, the board typi-  cally  handles the  logistics,”  says Bart  Steele,  thing, and then sit back to admire the final   a portfolio manager with Barkan Manage-  ment Company, Inc., in Boston. “In the larger  contractor,” says Susan Fitzpatrick, Director   buildings that I’ve managed, there are separate  of Residences at The Ritz-Carlton Residences   committees that often handle the gardening  New York, Westchester. “It removes liability   decisions.”  Management should also be heavily in-  volved. “In my experience, landscaping is of-  ten left to the managers,” says Janice Avery, a  class,’ so for us, we always use a third-party   property manager with FirstService Residen-  tial in Chicago. “Sometimes there are com-  mittees or board members who chime in and  fertilizer or weed killer, you should use a pro-  help with some decisions, but that interest can  fessional  wane, leaving the manager with the responsi-  bility. In my current community, I’m fortunate  premises, and residents may enjoy having a   that the board takes a very active interest in  stake in the planting of the property,” Fitzpat-  munity has won awards for beautification,  nity  – especially retirees  – with a weekend   “In my established associations, there are   the board who knew a lot about flowers and   plants, and that community was absolutely   While a community coming together to   ciations (or those whose residents are just re-  ally busy) can potentially outsource the whole   product. “It’s always best to hire a third-party   from the association, as landscaping requires   tools and equipment that can lead to injury.   Everything we do at Ritz-Carlton is ‘best in   landscaper. Anytime you’re utilizing more   than light tools, or are using chemicals like   “That said, there can be light work on the   rick continues. “If you have light tools and a   light job, you can always involve the commu-  Planning and Maintaining a Community Garden  Planting Value   BY MIKE ODENTHAL  ISTOCKPHOTO.COM  REGISTRATION IS FREE   BUT THE COST OF NOT GOING   COULD BE HIGH.  THE COOPERATOR  EXPO  2019  WHERE BUILDINGS MEET SERVICES   NEW YORK HILTON MIDTOWN — THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 9–4:30    FREE REGISTRATION: COOPEXPO.COM

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